Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Relax time

So a good bit of the day is spent like this:


Chance and Seth nap while Moss and I track guitars:


Moss offering up insightful commentary:


This is Tom the Intern. We like Tom. He has a sweet Mac and is skipping his real job to come see Mutemath with us tonite.


Today we finished bass and drums...got guitars done for Ghost...and about half the guitars done for Angel. Moving right along. Tomorrow will be 8 hours of guitars. Scary.

Currently, Hananel is playing some No Doubt song on her guitar, Moss has disappeared, Seth is on his computer, and Chance is on the phone. We're all trying to relax for a bit before we head downtown for the show. We're all eating very well thanks to some generous donations from friends...and most of us actually seem to be sleeping OK. It's kinda odd working on a schedule...we're not really used to it...but I think it's good. Left on our own, we'd just be sitting around making space noises and playing Creedence Clearwater Revival covers.

I think we're gonna go change some guitar strings now. Later.



Unknown said...

You should bring me that Mac...

s. wells said...

john moss is hot.

and chall is too.

chall is hot, chall.

Tiki Sanchez said...

you guys should play some RATT covers. i agree john is hot. clint you aint so bad yourself. Great picture s.wells...
"the pimp hand is strong"