Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Day 3?

I think it's Tuesday?

It's almost lunch...and we're working on the last bass part. All drums are done....After lunch we crank up guitar tracks...then tonite we go see Mutemath.

A few notes:

Seth has Golden ears...and I'm not just referring to his lineage.

Everyone should try living in an old church at some point.

I need to be able to hear the world through Neve Preamps.

I really like stained glass.

In Ohio...even if you have a current tag and copy of your registration...the cops still think your tag is expired. Wouldn't be rock and roll without a run-in with the law.

I like being able to hear the bass and drums by themselves...never gotten to analyze them before because everyone's usually playing. I really like what's happening here.

I think all the band members are going to write their individual critique/analysis of "The Prestige".

More after lunch.



Anonymous said...

I woun't mind living in an old church. But they dont turn up fro sale very often, and when they do they only want to sell to another church. Come to think of it, I think Dr freds house qualifies as an old church in a round about sort of way. But it has been de-churched. Except for that pew in the entry.

Chall said...

Actually...I think Dr. Fred's house is closer to being a church than anywhere else I've been in a long time. BTW, Parsons...we got you a passover present.


Alan Parsons said...

Yeah, i guess Freds is about the best church ever. Passover present? Ya'll didnt sacrafice a lamb, did you, cause we dont have to do that anymore. If you did, cook it up and make Gyros or something.
