Monday, March 26, 2007

Monkey Love (for alex)

Just finished bass/drum tracks to "Kite," "End of Seth's dress," and "Monkey Love."
Chance is cooking us some hamburgers, and then we're going to eat some freaking food...and then hopefully get bass and drums done for the last four (?) songs we have, which should be:

dear justine
cinnamon locken rockem sockem robots
did you ever know that you're my hero
some new song with lots of rock
upping with the dreamsides down

Then hopefully we can get the guitars done. John and Chris mentioned that the new song with lots of rock needed an introduction, so I wrote one on the bass. We'll see how it comes out on the record.

It must be said...Ric can punch parts in faster than anyone else I've recorded with. Half the time, I'm trying to figure out where he punched me in at and I miss the punch spot, so we do it again.

We'll have some more pictures posted later.

1 comment:

Tiki Sanchez said...

"Monkey Love" I'm pretty sure i have that on tap... thnx parsons