Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Short Clip Uploaded

Well, I think I figured out how to work this thing. Ian sent gifts from afar. This is just a short clip from yesterday. I'll put up some longer, edited clips later on today (some amusing and some amazing, depending on what they are).


Alan Parsons said...

I am going to start my own network called JewTube. Whatcha think?

Seth Golden said...

Pretty much the best idea ever.

Unknown said...

I can't believe you stopped that video right before Chance rocked the drums! LOSER! Well, I am making up for that because I am now listening to the "Changing Realms" demo CD. Don't be jealous....

Tiki Sanchez said...

who's shooting that video.. Ray Charles?...just joking...I knew i should have come to document everything properly... Hey i for got i have that... that can be my second job.. im gonna tell everyone chance and seth slept together... Thanks for the call chall.