Sunday, March 25, 2007

Crew we're putting together our road crew...if you wanna be in on this...let us know.

Here's what we've got so far:

Alan Parsons - Bus Driver and Road Manager
John Cook - Bass Tech and Janitor
Matt Wilkerson - Guitar Tech and Theologian
Clint Wilkerson - Drum Tech and Webmaster
Anna Carol Sims - Road Comedian
Ian Fritzsche - Monitor Engineer and Archivist
John Clark - Front of House Engineer
Lucas Shearer - Security and Pyro
Patrick Morales - Opening Act
Sarah Clark and Joy Parsons - Merch
Kaitlin Grady-Ann Parramore - Wardrobe and Sarcasm
Sarah Wells - Road Pianist and Thinker
Alex Suarez - Vocal Coach, Sleep Coordinator, Montra Decider, and Peanut Gallery
Valerie Fritzsche - Road Chef
Fred Fritzsche - Road Physician
Jason Jones - Lighting Director
Joe Gordon - Band Counsel
Ken Jordan - Animal Wrangler


Unknown said...

I'm in! How's the pay?

Alan Parsons said...

you work long hours for little pay, but you get to be around cool people. not much different than your current job. except less pay, but cooler people. good trade, i think

mwilk said...

Definitely count me in.

s. wells said...

i'm in. as long as i can be the philosopher too..or just thinker, thinker will do.

Tiki Sanchez said...

To borrow a phrase from my father "Peanut gallery my a**" How about "Montra Decider" or "Sleep Coordinator" (you know i have that know) If the c-paps a rockin' don't come a knockin'.. I wanna think with sara.. even though she has no clue who i am...

Anonymous said...

I have been pricing tour busses. I think if we all sell our homes and cars (i will pawn a couple of kids) we may can get a good that runs. Me thinks we may be stuck with a 15 passenger van and a big trailer. Wait, I can't back a trailer that well. Hmmm, we'll have to get that bus afterall.


Unknown said...

Hmmm.... I'll be the on call psychologist when the band starts squabbling after hannanel is the only member photographed for the Rolling Stone cover.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish.... *wistful sigh*


Unknown said...

I want "animal wrangler"; or "roadie guidance counselor". Without me, they'll end up like Lebowski after the Speed of Sound tour.

Unknown said...

I want "animal wrangler"; or "roadie guidance counselor". Without me, they'll end up like Lebowski after the Speed of Sound tour.