Monday, April 16, 2007


I wonder if The Police ever got shut down by the police. I wonder, in such a case, if that would be considered Police on police violence. I wonder if the rap song "#*%@ the Police" was talking about cops or the band, The Police. In the case of the latter, that would disgrace the name of The Police, which is "The Police"...
We should change our name to The Cops. That would be cool, because then when uptight baby-boomers call The Cops, we would could show up at their house and read them their rights with our amps turned up to 11. And they couldn't complain, because, "hey music-scrooges, you're the ones who called The Cops. I'm sorry we interrupted your American Idle, but we just wanted to let you know that you have the right to remain silent--use it, or we'll use it for ya..."

-- by jlm. puns fully intended. aquateen references completely fictional and not intended to resemble anyone living or dead.

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