So, we get asked a lot: "whats it like? What do ya'll do there?"
Well here's a small list of things that seem to be common to these trips:
We consume large amounts of the following: Ingelhoffer Mustard, Cranberry Juice, Pasta, Quesadillas, Grape Nutz, Kashi, and Graeter's Ice Cream.
It's Hot.
We eat at Chiplotles.
The Thomasville song plays at 830am.
We go back in time.
We goto Kroger.
We sit around the Philosophy table.
We drive to that street that has the Ice Cream shop.
We Skype people.
We go outside and look at the neighbors.
We take lots of pictures.
Moss takes lots of video.
We talk about Sufjan Stevens (not in a pleasant way most of the time).
That's pretty much what it means.